In 2023..

The Impact On Our Volunteers

Volunteering abroad is a deeply personal experience that affects each individual in unique ways. As a volunteer, you’ll often find yourself in unfamiliar situations—perhaps you’re scheduled to teach an IT class, but no one attends, the power goes out, or the pace of life is slower than you’re used to. You may face challenges like culture shock, language barriers, or feelings of isolation. However, it’s also an opportunity to push your limits, adapt, slow down, and gain valuable insights about yourself and others. With VLM, volunteering is about building solidarity, friendship, and mutual respect. Your journey will be as distinctive as you are. Below are reflections from past volunteers sharing their experiences.


The Impact On Our Projects

Since 2002, VLM has engaged 398 volunteers in projects across Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Guatemala. These volunteers have contributed as teachers, accountants, builders, medics, and more, sharing their skills to strengthen project capacity and support local communities. VLM has also built strong partnerships with initiatives led by the Vincentian Fathers and Daughters of Charity. Alongside volunteering, we have actively fundraised to support these projects. Explore the financial impact of our work and view our current fundraising campaigns below. Thank you for your support in helping to “do one thing, do something” to make the world fairer.
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