About us
The Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM) is a volunteer-sending charity working with the Vincentian Fathers and Daughters of Charity to support marginalised communities in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania. Rooted in Vincentian values of solidarity, partnership, and social justice, VLM strives to improve lives in vulnerable communities. Since 2002, VLM has sent over 500 volunteers overseas and contributed over €1 million to partner projects. VLM's primary objective is: “To alleviate poverty in developing communities by promoting educational, health, and community projects through personnel and funding.”

Our Mission Statement Is:
To form and facilitate our members to immerse themselves in the experience and culture of the Vincentian mission overseas, so that reflecting on the learned experience, they will, on their return, effect change and transformation both locally and globally.

What Makes VLM Unique?
VLM volunteers live simply and in solidarity with the people they serve, listening to the needs of those living in material poverty. We promote peace and dignity and strive to create lasting,
systemic change. In response to someone who once said, why start another overseas project with so many already in the field, Fr Michael McCullagh, founder of VLM replied:
‘Well, we can do one thing, we can do something.’ We still believe we can.
Our Motto Is:
Do one thing, do something