Author name: Lauren Morley



December 2024 Since 2002, 448 people have volunteered with projects run by the Vincentian Fathers and Daughters of Charity through VLM. Sr Hiwot, Daughters of Charity Provincial in Ethiopia, wrote the following –  “Each year we are blessed with the gift of wonderful groups and individual volunteers whose generous contributions to our missions make such an impact to our community and to the lives of those whom we serve. Together with all of you we continue to create better opportunities for people who are poor through health care, education, programmes for women, pastoral care and youth ministry, housing support, services to migrants/refugees and victims of human trafficking, care for the elderly, support to people with disabilities, and helping children living in difficult situations. All human beings desire to be appreciated, cared for, loved, trusted, respected, to be understood, listened to and to have a better quality of life. You have enabled us to give these essential needs to those God has entrusted to our care and to accomplish our common mission. The volunteers’ expertise and skills help us to be better organized in our missions and more effective in our services. Through your continuous support and the courageous efforts of our sisters, I hope that our dreams for self-sustainability will become a reality in the near future. It is my greatest wish that our community and VLM volunteers will continue to benefit from this relationship.”


Alitena Youth Centre

November 2024 The running costs of the Alitena Youth Centre are funded annually thanks to the generosity of VLM donors. This centre benefits over 5000 youth per year through the provision of meals, school materials, tutorial support, clubs and activities, sports events, skills training and income generating activities. The funding also benefits the staff who can earn a secure income to support themselves and their families.


Medical College Fees Sponsored

September 2024 VLM donors have been very generously sponsoring the college fees of a medical student in Masanga for the past three years. This will benefit both the individual, Romara, and his family through the provision of a sustainable livelihood and will positively impact the whole community by the better health care they will receive from this additional role within the hospital. After graduating next summer Romara is going to volunteer at the health centre in Masanga run by the Daughters of Charity. He says, “I want to offer my service to those vulnerable as I was”. This truly encapsulates the Vincentian spirit and ethos.

2024, Tanzania

St Catherine Laboure School Places Sponsored

August 2024 Two school places are currently being sponsored by VLM donors at the St Catherine Laboure School in Masanga. This is a precious gift of an education, giving young girls the chance to go to school. Many of the girls who have fled their homes due to thewidely practiced female genital mutilation (FGM) in the community cannot afford to pay their school fees. If you would like to sponsor the school place of a girl in Masanga please click on the link below. It costs just €21 a month to give this life-changing opportunity to a girl in Masanga. Sponsor a School Place

2024, Tanzania

Centre for Women’s Development

February 2024 A women’s empowerment project has been running in Masanga, northern Tanzania for several years but the women were meeting and carrying out their work in a small wooden shed. Thanks to very generous donations from donors, VLM have been able to fund the building of a centre for the women’s development project in Masanga, Tanzania. The building will be important for the women’s project as a meeting space but it has also given them an increased sense of purpose and confidence. Currently, the women have been planting crops and baking goods to sell and they can now build on these sustainable livelihoods micro-businesses as well as develop educational initiatives. We look forward to following future developments. Sincere thanks to everyone who gave so generously to this project.  Original building New building

2023, Tanzania

St Catherine Laboure School Bus

November 2023 VLM donors very generously raised over €27,000 to buy a school bus for the St Catherine Laboure School in Masanga,Tanzania. Previously, local children had been walking up to 12km to get to school everyday. This journey was treacherous with the constant danger of wild animals and varying weather conditions. Children arrived at school tired, impacting on their ability to concentrate on their work and therefore their future opportunities. The bus has improved attendance rates and school performance and gives children living further away the chance of an education. We were thrilled to be able to complete this fundraising project successfully in November 2023.


Support for Female Genital Mutilation Project

November 2022 St Raphael’s Garda Credit Union have made a donation of €200 to the Female Genital Mutilation Project in Masanga. The prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the Mara region of Tanzania is very high at 32% of the female population aged 15-49 years old. nine out of ten women in Tanzania are against the practice but it is culturally entrenched and therefore hard to abolish. The Daughters of Charity in the Masanga run an FGM project that provides a refuge to between five and six hundred girls between November and December, engages families and communities to raise awareness of the harm it causes, and aims to transform the social norms that uphold the practice. A lack of education and poor employment prospects keep women in poverty so the project also has a vocational training centre to help girls learn skills such as sewing that can provide them with a sustainable livelihood.


Teacher Salary Sponsored

September 2022 VLM is delighted to have partnered with Navillus, a construction company in New York, who are sponsoring the salary of a teacher at the St Catherine Laboure School run by our partners the Daughters of Charity in Tanzania. This is part of Navillus’ extensive social responsibility programme and their very generous donation will help the school continue to provide quality education to local children living in this area of extreme poverty. VLM would like to build more corporate social partnerships, and businesses would have the chance to donate to projects that have a tangible and long-lasting impact on communities. As well as sponsoring the salary of a teacher for a year, we have opportunities to contribute to the building of a centre for a women’s empowerment project or donate towards the purchase of a bus for a rural school. If this fits in with your business mission and values, please get in touch at


Ethiopia Crisis Appeal

December 2021 There was an incredible level of generosity shown by VLM donors towards our Ethiopia Appeal For Tigray 2021-2022, which raised €44,400 for the Daughters of Charity in Tigray.  This money was spent on much needed food and medical supplies during the humanitarian crisis. Many lives were saved thanks to the generosity of VLM supporters. The clinic run by the daughters was hit by a missile launched from Eritrea and this had to be repaired (pictured above). Due to stress and lack of good food, people were more prone to sickness. Therefore, more than half of the money raised was spent on medicine and supplies for the clinic. The sisters are pictured here sorting through medicines to be sent to Alitena. A further €10,000 was spent on food. Finally, €6500 was used to re-build the destroyed clinic.  In a letter to VLM donors, Sr Aster writes that this money has genuinely saved countless lives. Her message reads – “May the peace of Christ be with you. I want to thank you for the help you have offered our people last year. Thank you is very small in comparison to what you have given. Only God knows our hearts and how much we have appreciated your goodness and generosity. We now pray that the Lord may grant us lasting peace in our country. With sincere gratitude. Sr Aster Zewdie DC”. VLM extends this message of thanks to our donors who have shown compassion and solidarity with our partners. We pray for peace in Ethiopia. Full Report: Ethiopia Appeal For Tigray 2021-2022 Open PDF Button Open PDF

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