2025, Fundraising

VLM Table Quiz 2025

VLM Table Quiz 2025 Get ready for a brain-teasing night at the Church Bar on Jervis St!  Join us for our thrilling table quiz on Tuesday 8th April 2025 and put your knowledge to the test! €10 per person – all proceeds to towards supporting VLM’s amazing work in Africa! Share this article

2025, Kenya

Safeguarding Training in Kenya

Safeguarding Training in Kenya In 2022, VLM, through the Vincentian Fathers, was successful in obtaining funding from Misean Cara to run Safeguarding Training across the Vice-Province of Kenya. As part of this, a ‘Train the Trainer’ course was run to enable the Vice-Province to continue to roll this out with staff across their projects, thus embedding safeguarding as a key foundation in every parish. In January 2025, one of the trained members of staff ran safeguarding training at the De Paul School in Matisi. It is fantastic to see the long-term impact of this funding and the importance being placed on keeping children and vulnerable adults safe. Share this article

2025, Ethiopia

New building for the Ambo Lazarist Deaf School

New building for the Ambo Lazarist Deaf School Exciting news to share!!! Pictured is Fr Tomaz Mavric CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, laying the foundation stone for a new building at the Ambo Lazarist Deaf School in Ethiopia. The new building will give the school four additional classrooms including a room that will be a vocational training centre. Sewing will be taught, giving graduates of the deaf school a way to earn a sustainable livelihood. With sincere thanks to Misean Cara, the Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO), Castleknock College and the Ethiopia Deaf Project committee of VLM for funding towards this project. Updates to follow!!! Share this article

2025, Fundraising

VLM Christmas Raffle Winners!

VLM Christmas Raffle Winners! Huge thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the recent VLM Christmas raffle. We had an amazing response and raised a phenomenal €7197, which will go towards supporting our work with the Vincentian Fathers and Daughters of Charity across Africa. Last year we sent 48 volunteers and over €175,000 to projects in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. We really appreciate your support and thank you sincerely for helping to make this happen. Best wishes for 2025 from all at the Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM). Share this article

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