2022, Ghana

Fantastic Volunteering Opportunities In Ghana. Apply Now.

Our partners the Daughters of Charity run a project for vulnerable children, particularly young girls who live and work on the streets of Kumasi, Ghana. They provide formal education and also run a vocational training centre to teach employable skills that will enable the girls to earn a living. This project is truly life-changing for its participants. VLM have unique opportunities to volunteer on this project. Volunteering with VLM gives you the chance to live and work in a community and help create lasting change. If you are looking to do something different, to experience life in a different country, to use your skills and experience, to work in solidarity with people living in the Global South or are just curious to find out more…please get in touch with Madeleine at info@vlm.ie or 087 139 7069.


Support for Female Genital Mutilation Project

November 2022 St Raphael’s Garda Credit Union have made a donation of €200 to the Female Genital Mutilation Project in Masanga. The prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the Mara region of Tanzania is very high at 32% of the female population aged 15-49 years old. nine out of ten women in Tanzania are against the practice but it is culturally entrenched and therefore hard to abolish. The Daughters of Charity in the Masanga run an FGM project that provides a refuge to between five and six hundred girls between November and December, engages families and communities to raise awareness of the harm it causes, and aims to transform the social norms that uphold the practice. A lack of education and poor employment prospects keep women in poverty so the project also has a vocational training centre to help girls learn skills such as sewing that can provide them with a sustainable livelihood.


Teacher Salary Sponsored

September 2022 VLM is delighted to have partnered with Navillus, a construction company in New York, who are sponsoring the salary of a teacher at the St Catherine Laboure School run by our partners the Daughters of Charity in Tanzania. This is part of Navillus’ extensive social responsibility programme and their very generous donation will help the school continue to provide quality education to local children living in this area of extreme poverty. VLM would like to build more corporate social partnerships, and businesses would have the chance to donate to projects that have a tangible and long-lasting impact on communities. As well as sponsoring the salary of a teacher for a year, we have opportunities to contribute to the building of a centre for a women’s empowerment project or donate towards the purchase of a bus for a rural school. If this fits in with your business mission and values, please get in touch at info@vlm.ie.

2022, Tanzania

Tanzania Volunteers

Tanzania Volunteers 2022 Our first volunteers of 2022 are currently in Songea in the south of Tanzania tomorrow. Luke and Grainne will be teaching English, facilitating capacity development sessions with teachers, and running summer camp activities. Both the children and teachers are looking forward to their arrival and they are especially excited about learning how to play basketball! For updates on Luke and Grainne’s volunteering experience please follow VLM on Instagram at vlm_volunteering and Facebook. We wish them well on their journey and look forward to hearing more.

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