Volunteer roles

VLM volunteers come from all walks of life, sharing their time and skills to make a difference. 

Below are some of the skills and experience that VLM projects are in need of. 

We have roles for qualified kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers. Teachers with special educational needs experience can work in a teacher training capacity in our partner schools.

People with a specific qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) can work as English teachers in our partner projects, either with children or adults.

Several of our partner projects have a childcare, youth or community aspect to them. If you have experience of childcare, youth work or community work please get in touch.

We need experienced or newly qualified accountants or financial managers to support the work of the Vincentian development office in Addis Ababa and across other projects to support and train communities with systems and processes around basic financial control and book keeping systems and reports.

Schools have roles in their after schools activities to engage young people in sports and games.

Schools have roles in their after schools activities to engage young people in creative arts, crafts, and music. Photographers and videographers are sought to document the projects and give content for VLM social media and website.

We are looking for skilled and experienced project managers to work with the Daughters of Charity in Addis Ababa. There are also opportunities in business to assist in the development of micro-businesses and in developing business skills in communities.

There are roles for a variety of admin work including project writing/editing, report writing/editing, writing/reviewing grant applications, data entry, and archiving documents.

There are specific roles for experienced crop farmers plus roles in kitchen farming and gardening. Maintenance and repair skills also sought for various projects.

Vacancies exist for all professional and allied healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, counsellors/psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, audiologists, optometrists.

There is a specific need for physiotherapists in projects in Kenya – Thigio, Kiio, Chepnyal – and in Tanzania, in the health facility run by the Daughters of Charity in Masanga.

There is a specific need for roofers in Masanga (Tanzania) and for carpenters in Songea (Tanzania) and in Nairobi (Kenya). Roles in Songea and Nairobi involving teaching youth carpentry skills in vocational training centres.

VLM partner projects have roles to suit everyone including teaching English; organising summer camps; running afterschools activities with children including sports, games, art, drama, music, dance; sharing your skills such as cooking, keep fit, gardening; IT including teaching; serving meals; and anything else you can think of! The most important thing to bring is yourself.

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