2024, Tanzania

Centre for Women’s Development

February 2024 A women’s empowerment project has been running in Masanga, northern Tanzania for several years but the women were meeting and carrying out their work in a small wooden shed. Thanks to very generous donations from donors, VLM have been able to fund the building of a centre for the women’s development project in Masanga, Tanzania. The building will be important for the women’s project as a meeting space but it has also given them an increased sense of purpose and confidence. Currently, the women have been planting crops and baking goods to sell and they can now build on these sustainable livelihoods micro-businesses as well as develop educational initiatives. We look forward to following future developments. Sincere thanks to everyone who gave so generously to this project.  Original building New building

2024, Ethiopia, Kenya

Misean Cara Member Capacity Development Funding

Misean Cara Member Capacity Development Funding 2024 VLM with the support of Misean Cara completed capacity development training in Ethiopia and Kenya. This was for training in Project Cycle Management to be run with the Vincentians in Ethiopia with a view to them developing project proposals for funding applications. Increasing their income will allow them to grow their projects, reaching more members of their communities and providing better services. The funding also paid for a comprehensive needs assessment to take place across Vincentian projects in Kenya. Having a professional needs assessment will give an evidence-base for future funding project proposals. Share this article

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