2023, Tanzania

St Catherine Laboure School Bus

November 2023 VLM donors very generously raised over €27,000 to buy a school bus for the St Catherine Laboure School in Masanga,Tanzania. Previously, local children had been walking up to 12km to get to school everyday. This journey was treacherous with the constant danger of wild animals and varying weather conditions. Children arrived at school tired, impacting on their ability to concentrate on their work and therefore their future opportunities. The bus has improved attendance rates and school performance and gives children living further away the chance of an education. We were thrilled to be able to complete this fundraising project successfully in November 2023.

2023, Ethiopia

Teacher Training Places – Bruh Tesfa

Teacher Training Places – Bruh Tesfa, Ethiopia VLM has sponsored Montessori teacher training places in Bruh Tesfa, Ethiopia. This enables girls from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain a qualification and a sustainable livelihood so that they can provide for themselves and their families. They also go on to provide education in their communities. On completion of their qualification, all graduates receive a full set of teaching supplies. So far, VLM have supported 6 places in this training college. Libinesh, sponsored by VLM, has finished her studies and has secured a job near her home village. Share this article

2023, Kenya

Summer 2023 Volunteers Leave Dublin

VLM’s volunteers for the Summer of 2023 left Dublin this week. This included 12 Castleknock College students who will be volunteering at the De Paul School run by the Vincentian Fathers in Thigio, Kenya. This is the first schools immersion project to have ventured to Kenya and we pray this will be a learning and life-enhancing experience for the students. Three teachers will also be volunteering in Thigio. Finally, Sarah and Lisa, students from Trinity College Dublin, have landed in Kumasi, Ghana where they will be volunteering at the Street Advocacy Project run by the Daughters of Charity. Keep up-to-date with all their experiences on the VLM Instagram and Facebook pages.

2023, Ethiopia

Re-opening of Abba Gebremichael Catholic School – Mekelle, Tigray

Re-opening of Abba Gebremichael Catholic School – Mekele, Tigray VLM, supported by a €14,137 Misean Cara grant, re-opened the Abba Gebremichael Catholic School (AGCS) run by the Vincentian Fathers in Mekele, Tigray. Due to the conflict recent conflict there, the school had been closed since November 2020, but thanks to this funding the school re-opened on 22nd May 2023. A total of 1926 students are now attending the school. They are enthusiastic to be back in education and making up for what they describe as their ‘stolen years’. Many families have lost their livelihoods, their homes, their relatives to the war. The school re-opening has lifted the morale of the whole community. If you would like to sponsor a school place in the AGCS, please visit: Sponsor a School Place Share this article

2023, Ethiopia

Camino de Santiago Fundraiser for Alemachen, Ethiopia

Camino de Santiago Fundraiser for Alemachen, Ethiopia VLM supporters from Navan, Fiona and Clodagh-Jane Healy, walked part of the Camino de Santiago in Spain over the summer and raised an amazing €950. This has been sent to the Alemachen Centre for Children with Disabilities and will be used for food for the children. Thank you to Fiona and Clodagh-Jane for taking on this big challenge for Alemachen and for raising such a fantastic amount of money. If you would like to support their work, please click the donate button and reference Alemachen with your donation. Donate

2023, Fundraising, Tanzania

Scoil naomh Brid agus Padriag Bake Sale

Scoil naomh Brid agus Padriag Bake Sale This wonderful group of students from Scoil naomh Brid agus Padriag in Mayo ran a bake sale and raffle and raised a phenomenal €1500 for our ‘Buy the Bus’ fundraiser. Children in Masanga, Tanzania currently walk 10km and more to get to school every day and our aim is to raise money to buy them a school bus. Share this article

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